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Automyčka Litvínov
logo Samko


SAMKO s.r.l. - Produttore Parti Sistemi Frenanti

20 ROKŮ HISTORIE, RŮSTU, ÚSPĚCHŮ, VÝVOJE Firmu v roce 1992 založil Luciano Arici . Kanceláře a část výroby se nachází v závodě San Nicolò (provincie Piacenza), další závod stojí v Rivasso di Agazzano. Během své historie společnost Samko neustále rozšiřovala svoji nabídku a díky pečlivému řízení a investičnímu plánu zaměřenému na neustálou modernizaci zařízení, se společnost SAMKO, během několika let dostala na špičku světového trhu z hlediska kvality a inovací, čímž se stala jedním z největších mezinárodních výrobců brzdových dílů na trhu náhradních dílů, která svoje výrobky prodává ve více než 76 zemích.
M1010V Brzdový kotouč Samko

Samko Brzdový kotouč přední strana M1010V

pro cislo vyrobku : M1010V , Centrovaci prumer [mm] : 69 mm , Počet děr : 4 , minimalni tloustka (v mm) : 22,4 mm , sila brzdoveho kotouce v mm : 24 mm , typ brzdoveho kotouce : vnitřně ventilováno , vyska ( v mm ) : 45,2 mm , průměr v mm : 276 mm ,

Samko představení


Firmu v roce 1992 založil Luciano Arici . Kanceláře a část výroby se nachází v závodě San Nicolò (provincie Piacenza), další závod stojí v Rivasso di Agazzano. Během své historie společnost Samko neustále rozšiřovala svoji nabídku a díky pečlivému řízení a investičnímu plánu zaměřenému na neustálou modernizaci zařízení, se společnost SAMKO, během několika let dostala na špičku světového trhu z hlediska kvality a inovací, čímž se stala jedním z největších mezinárodních výrobců brzdových dílů na trhu náhradních dílů, která svoje výrobky prodává ve více než 76 zemích.
Samko factory

Brzdové destičky

Samko brzdové destičky
Semi-metallic struktura brzdné směsi (bez těžkých kovů) Samko brzdových destiček pro pevnost a přenos tepla. Provozní teplota od -30 ° C do + 500 ° C Vedení pro udržení konstantní hodnoty tření a úprava proti pískání. Činí ze Samko brzdových destiček velice konkurence schopný produkt na našem trhu.

Snímače opotřebení brzd

Samko snímače opotřebení brzd
I cavi segnalatori di usura indicano con un impulso elettrico oppure con un segnale acustico che il materiale di attrito della pastiglia freno è consumato e quindi deve essere cambiata.

Brzdové kotouče

Samko brzdové kotouče
Vysoký brzdný účinek , perfektní přesnost dosažená moderním robotickým zpracováním činí větrané Samko brzdové kotouče vhodné pro první vybavení moderních vozů.

Brzdové čelisti

Samko brzdové čelisti
Brake shoes are housed in the brake drums and are a key component of the braking system, applying contact and friction to the brake drums to slow/stop the vehicle. Key Features: Manufactured from steel for strength and precise specification Sand blasted, painted and vulcanised for optimum finish and performance Metal fibre/graphite/rubber composite lining for high levels of anti-noise performance (where appropriate) Homologation ECE-R90 Measuring gauge To find a brake shoe by dimensions you have to fill the web form with some general dimensions adding a progressive tolerance (1%, 2% ext...) to increase the list of proposed items. For a fast detection about the brake shoe diameter you can download and print out our measuring gauge. Please ensure that the gauge is printed at 100% and please check the calibration before measuring.

Brzdové čelisti Easy kit

Samko brzdové čelisti Easy kit
SAMKO offers a wide range of kit for quick and effective drum brakes . The Quick Kit are the optimal solution because (unlike the simple kit , in which the components are supplied disassembled ) components are pre-assembled , so immediately ready for installation ; also are included in the box also the two brake cylinders . The quick kit allows the installer to ensure the correct and best replacement of drum brakes with the guarantee of the highest quality and reliability , since the adjustment systems are already premounted and fully tested. The adjustment system is the essential and fundamental element of the Quick Kit , because it allows to maintain a constant distance between the shoe and the drum and the stroke of the brake pedal. It was also added a termoclip to avoid locking of the wheels in case of overheating of the brake drum which intervenes at different temperatures depending on the type of brake system. The Quick Kit SAMKO has high quality standards, resulting from long experience in the field and strict control of each piece . There are different types of rods according to the original vehicle's brake system : Lucas, Bosch-Bendix , Volkswagen , Ford and AP . In the SAMKO Quick Kit the mounted rod has the same shape and performance of the original with the exception of the type AP as covered by patent : in this case the Research and Development SAMKO has developed and implemented a new type of self-adjusting . All quick kits are approved according to the European directive "ECE - R90".

Brzdové bubny

Samko brzdové bubny
The brake drums slow/stop the vehicle under the friction applied by the brake shoes, which are operated under the pressure of the wheel cylinders.

Hlavní brzdové válce

Samko Hlavní brzdové válce
The brake master cylinder converts the physical pressure applied on the brake pedal into hydraulic pressure compressing and moving the liquid through the ducts to the wheel cylinders ( whose pistons expand to push the brake shoes against the drum ) or the brake calipers ( whose pistons push the pads against the disc ) The brake pump can be single-stage or two-stage . It is made of galvanized steel, painted cast iron or aluminum.

Brzdové válečky

Samko brzdové válečky
Thanks to the pressure of the fluid pumped from the brake master cylinder , the pistons of the brake cylinder widen pushing against the drum the jaws which in turn produce the friction to stop the vehicle . The hydraulic seal of the device is ensured by gaskets mounted on the body of the piston . It is made of galvanized or painted cast iron without coating or anodized aluminum .

Hlavní spojkové válce

Samko hlavní spojkové válce
The clutch master cylinder converts the physical pressure applied to the clutch pedal into hydraulic pressure compressing and moving the liquid through the ducts until the clutch slave cylinder , which moves the clutch disc in contact with the flywheel to allow gear changes. It is made of galvanized steel, painted cast iron , anodized aluminum or plastic. All tanks are manufactured in PA 80,100 to provide high levels of resistance to chemical and atmospheric agents .

Pomocné spojkové válce

Samko pomocné  spojkové válce
Due to the pressure of the fluid pumped by the clutch master cylinder , the clutch slave cylinder moves the clutch disc in contact with the flywheel to allow the gear change. It is made of galvanized steel, painted cast iron , anodized aluminum or plastic.

Brzdové omezovače

Samko brzdové omezovače
The braking regulator modulates the pressure applied to the rear brakes as a function of the load that is applied on this axis and the pressure of the front circuit to eliminate the risk of locking of the wheel, allowing to obtain the maximum deceleration. It is made of galvanized or painted cast iron without coating or anodized aluminum. In addition, the regulators (limiters and compensators) may also be at the cutting point and slope pre-established that do not depend on the load on the vehicle (CRCI)


Samko poloosy
The drive shaft is a component of the transmission of the vehicle that allows transferring the energy developed by the engine to the wheels favoring the steering of the vehicle and reducing vibration . The axle shaft is generally composed of a fixed constant velocity joint that connects to the hub , grooved rod that has the function of extension and of a system of connection to the gearbox which can be either a sliding joint or a cruise tripod .

Homokinetické klouby

Samko homokinetické klouby
The constant velocity joint allows the transmission of motion to the wheels in constant and uniform manner even during the phases of steering

Vodní pumpy

Samko vodní pumpy
The water pump has the function to circulate the coolant into the appropriate cavity of the engine to ensure cooling. It is constituted by a bladed impeller driven generally by the rotation of the motor itself by means of the belt of the services .

Brzdové a spojkové hadice

Samko brzdové a spojkové hadice
The brake hose transmits the brake fluid from the master cylinder to the calipers or to wheel cylinders . The clutch hose transmits the fluid from the clutch master cylinder to the clutch slave cylinder . The fittings are made of galvanized steel , resistant to corrosion due to chemical and moisture.


Samko lanovody
Suitable for any mechanical control of handbrake, clutch, accelerator, starter and speedometer.